C.G. Jung and E. Fromm psychoanalytic paradigm of the phenomenon of religion


  • Nagyma Baitenova
        62 0


The article is devoted to one of the brightest representatives of the psychoanalytic concept of religion С.G. Jung and E. Fromm. С.G. Jung paid great attention to the archetypes, in his opinion, it is an archetypal content of the psyche is the basis of religion. Archetypes express deeper and more intimate side of the human soul and are a kind of determiner man's inner life. According to С.G.

Jung loss of religiosity actually mean the loss of the man himself. С.G. Jung considers religion as an important condition for the mental health of the person, in connection with which connects the growth of mental illness with the decline of religious faith. E. Fromm critical of the idealistic constructions Jung and generally adhered to Freud's ideas about the structure and dynamics of mental processes, but at the same time and made some adjustments and their additions to the question about the impact of social conditions on the nature of the human psyche.

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Как цитировать

Baitenova, N. (2017). C.G. Jung and E. Fromm psychoanalytic paradigm of the phenomenon of religion. Вестник КазНУ, Серия Религиоведение, 4(4), 4–12. извлечено от https://bulletin-religious.kaznu.kz/index.php/relig/article/view/46