Мировые исторические путешествия Аль-Фараби: из Средней Азии и Ближнего Востока в Европу и Россию и обратно


  • Charles Weller Университет штата Вашингтон
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The article is widely covered by the survey of my plenary addresses in the 5th International Farabi Forum which was held by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 3-4, 2018). Important reasons for the study of al-Farabi and his work were: many of the manuscripts of al-Farabi are insufficiently studied and inaccessible to the scientific world or the general public; in former Soviet Central Asia, although Soviet science made an important contribution to the study of al-Farabi, she forcibly filtered her ideas -just as she filtered the views of Firdousi, Abay, and others through Marxist-atheistic ideology; from the western (Euro-American) perspective, even less of al-Farabi’s research was done because of the “western Eurocentric” bias. The “Western Eurocentric” bias interpreted the work of al-Farabi through the prism of its various Western Christian and / or democratic perspectives and values; A more strict “orthodox” Muslim view questioned or completely rejected the main aspects of the study of al-Farabi (and other Islamic thinkers of this period), considering it incompatible with some Quran teachings that are understood from conservative ulemic theological traditions.

Биография автора

Charles Weller, Университет штата Вашингтон

Клинический ассистент, Профессор 

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Как цитировать

Weller, C. (2018). Мировые исторические путешествия Аль-Фараби: из Средней Азии и Ближнего Востока в Европу и Россию и обратно. Вестник КазНУ, Серия Религиоведение, 15(3), 30–34. извлечено от https://bulletin-religious.kaznu.kz/index.php/relig/article/view/179