Историко-правовые аспекты становления Республики Казахстан как светского государства



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Annotation. This article analyzes the historical and legal aspects of Kazakhstan's establishment as a secular country. Among them, the Kazakh Khanate, Tsarist Russia and the periods of the Provisional government were chosen as the subject of the article. The influence of religion in legal and social relations and the process of secularization were compared in these three stages. After all, during the reign of the Russian Empire, Kazakh society underwent a transformation in all spheres. The study also covered the secular positions of the Alashorda movement as a new wave of political and social thought. In the study, the influence of Western thinkers on the ideas of the Kazakh enlighteners about the separation of state and religion and freedom of religion was clearly demonstrated. All these areas covered by the study allow us to understand the current secular principles of Kazakhstan and determine the future secular course of the country. In the course of the study, it became clear that such elements of secularism as tolerance, religious harmony, and equality come to the fore at the intersection of cultures and contradictory positions.

Keywords: Tsarist Russia; secularism; Kazakh khanate; religious tolerance; provisional government.

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Mazhiev, G., Melissova, B., & Almukhametov, A. (2022). Историко-правовые аспекты становления Республики Казахстан как светского государства. Вестник КазНУ, Серия Религиоведение, 30(2), 68–78. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJRS.2022.v30.i2.r7