Политическая и религиозная борьба исламского ученого Мубашира ат-Тарази в Египте в 50-е годы ХХ века



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Ключевые слова:

Түйін сөздер: Эмиграция, қажылық, Түркістан, мұсылмандар, Ислам


Abu Nasr Mubashir at-Tarazi (1896 - 1977) was forced to emigrate to survive the persecution of Soviet power in 1930 when he resisted the Soviet government anti-religious policy in Auliyata (currently Taraz). He became a head of the Movement of Emigrants for liberating Turkestan in Afghanistan and Egypt.

He was a theologian, political figure, prolific writer and prominent poet, spoke fluently Turkish, Arab and Persian languages. The life path, opinions and works of the outstanding figure, who selflessly fought for independence, remain still unknown and unevaluated in our country. The purpose of the article is to illustrate active political and religious struggle, social activities of the scholar in Egypt during 50s of the XX century.

The documents from the scholar’s personal fund, transferred to the Central State Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were used to write this article. The political and ideological views, principles, issues raised by him, various works of at-Tarazi are analyzed using historical systematic methods in the context of the geopolitical situation and processes of that time.

The article is valuable as it analyzes and studies political and religious activities of Abu Nasr Mubashir at-Tarazi based on numerous actual and new data.

The practical significance of the article lies in fact that the data will help studying role of emmigrant-public figures of the  Muslim movement in the struggle for the sovereignty of Kazakhstan, political views of religious figures and development of Islamic institutions in the country.

Библиографические ссылки


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Kerim, S., Amankul, T., & Kupeshov, K. (2022). Политическая и религиозная борьба исламского ученого Мубашира ат-Тарази в Египте в 50-е годы ХХ века. Вестник КазНУ, Серия Религиоведение, 30(2), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJRS.2022.v30.i2.r4