View of Alash intellectuals of religion and state


  • Тогжан Шаптаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Нурлыхан Альджанова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



The paper reveals the relationship of religion and state of the Kazakh people from a position of Alash intelligentsia, which contributed to the development of educational, cultural activities of the people. The main objective of research is the definition of the role of religion in society and the contribution of Alash intellectuals in the development of religion. The article uses comparative method, the principle of historicism, and other methods. Research paper has shown the desire of the national-democratic intelligentsia of Alash separation boundaries between religion and government. A clear manifestation of this took place in "Karkaraly petition". The intelligentsia believed that the schools in addition to the mandatory religious instruction were supposed to teach secular subjects such as mathematics, physics, world literature, etc. This trend clearly shows the precondition secularism principle that has a place in modern Kazakhstan. This article also shows the goal of creating a national ideology by members of the Alash. The establishment of an independent state, establishing principles that protect the national ideology, i.e. the creation of a state based on the consolidation of traditions and customs, religion and language and culture were the main dream of the Kazakh people of that time. The "Alash" intellectuals were the main opponents of the Bolsheviks in the early twentieth century. Hence the struggle to create a secular state with a systematic religious system was not easy. In the course of the research there described the state of Islam in the Kazakh steppe in this period: intelligentsia protest against the Christianization of the Kazakh society, the requirements of ending the oppression of Islam, as well as actions against the illiterate mullahs. The article also investigated the views of Alash intellectuals of religion, described the state policy in the field of religion and Canon law. In the final part of the definition of the principle of Alash intellectuals.

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