Religious extremism and preventing ways of religious extremism in Kazakhstan


  • Құдайберді Бағашаров Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Құсман Шалабаев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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Religious extremism is one of the most dangerous and difficult to forecast the problem of our time. Being a member of world community, Kazakhstan has also faced with this challenge. After declaring independence, Kazakhstan adopted the Law «On Religious Activity and Religious Associations», which provides the right to freedom of conscience. This led to rise and spread of the sects or new religious movement in the country. Furthermore there were difficulties to study and analyze the religious situation in the country, due to lack of the experts in Islamology, theology in this period. In this regard, religious extremism has begun to spread to Kazakhstan. The article is based on the works of several scientists likes of R. Abdrashev, E. Baydarov, N. Baitenov, A. Izbairov, E. Egorov, E. Bekbosynov. The article examines and gives a general definition on signs of religious extremism, a portrait of an extremist, the actions of religious extremists, and also analyzes the reasons for involving young people in extremist organizations and preventing ways of religious extremism. 

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How to Cite

Бағашаров, Қ., & Шалабаев, Қ. (2018). Religious extremism and preventing ways of religious extremism in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 14(2), 13–20.