On the necessity of the state program of religious educzation for the Republic of Kazakhstan
This article explains the necessity of creating a state program of religious education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the authors the need for such program is dictated by the complexity of the religious situation in Kazakhstan, caused to a large extent by the religious illiteracy of the Kazakhstansociety. This article analyzes in detail the concept of religious education offered by the Russian scientist Mikhailov.
The authors write about the need for a large-scale long-term state program for religious education. The program which would be based on religious grounds, culture, psychology and characteristics of our ethnic groups, based on religious preferences and mentality of our people.
The authors posit the necessity of familiarizing with cultural and religious heritage of Kazakh society, which in turn will form the personality and develop a civilization, as cultural and religious education leads a person to comprehend God's plan for him, teaches him moral behavior. Therefore, the authors of the article consider that it is very important to have encouragement from the government of religious education programs, studying people and cultural foundations of the traditional way of life of his people that is, creating a system of competent religious education in Kazakh society.
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