Policy of the autocracy in the religious sphere in Kazakhstan (on example of missionary activity)


  • Zakish Sadvokasova L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University




Policy of the autocracy in the religious sphere in Kazakhstan (on example of missionary activity)
In this article the author examines the history and characteristics of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Kazakhstan in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The author reveals the essence of the colonial policy of royal Russia, which is manifested in the opening of schools, seminaries and in the preparation of missionaries, preachers of Orthodoxy among the Kazakh people. For the preparation of the missionaries opened various educational institutions and organizations. Completed Orthodox preachers conducted its activities among the Kazakhs. However, the author notes that, together with religion, the Kazakhs have adopted some Russian traditions, which were reflected on the lives of indigenous people. According to the author, it does not contribute to the wide dissemination of Orthodoxy, in spite of all the efforts made by missionaries, the Kazakhs remained kazakhss, although there were cases of conversion to Orthodoxy met. The article also analyzes the educational and missionary activity of Orthodox Church brotherhoods, such as Turkestan Kazan Eparchial Holy Mother brotherhood converted later Semirechensk and Omsk diocesan fraternity. In conclusion, the author points out the importance of studying the missionary activities of the Orthodox Church in the history of Kazakhstan.


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