Evolution of Islamic radicalism: from the beginnings to modern ideological doctrine


  • Nagima Baitenova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Azamat Nurshanov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University




This article discusses conceptual and theoretical bases of Islamist radicalism, the evolution of Islamist radicalism from its ideological origins to the modern socio­political doctrine. In addition, the article provides an overview of the Islamist radicalism background and causes and its modern projection. In the last decades Islamist radicalism, with its ideology and practice, as well as its extreme forms as extremism and terrorism become increasingly important in world politics. Islamic radicalism affects the political process and seriously destabilizes the global political situation. This contributes to a number of reasons, both internal and external nature. We can name just some of them. It is known that the socio­political instability rapidly grows in the Muslim world at the present time. This clearly speaks about the so­called «Arab spring», which is currently applied in many Muslim countries of the near and Middle East, and in which the increasing influence of radical Islamist organizations, various leftist groups and regimes that contribute to destabilization in these countries.

Author Biographies

Nagima Baitenova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor 

Department of Rligious and Cultural studies

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science 

Azamat Nurshanov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

PhD doctorate in "Religious studies" 

Department of Religious and Cultural studies 

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science 


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