The concept of "Faith" in the spiritual ethical and religious paradigm


  • Feruza Erzhanova Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University
  • Galiya Temirton Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan



The concept of «faith» in the spiritual ethical and religious paradigm
In the article the most difficult and rich period of реф лек си ровa ния of understanding is examined «faith» in history of древ не тю ркс кой philosophical idea the analysis of that will help под виг нуть on further development of national philosophy. As know, in the history of philosophy, the problem of essence of the concept of «faith» and its relation with other areas of human life (knowledge, intellect, language, etc.) was first formulated in Christianity. For centuries Christian theologians and philosophers have discussed it, offering a variety of treatments including defining faith as a transcendent, so inaccessible neither to knowledge nor experience of man... In this article the authors try to find out how and in what circumstances the concept of «faith» in the ancient Turkic language consciousness were used. And to clarify the issue attention is paid to the spiritual origins, which were laid in proto philosophy of ancient Turks. That is, in order to solve this problem, an attempt to introduce the Turks language picture of the world, since ancient times was made. At the same time, given not only the meaning of the borrowed vocabulary of Turks, in the result of various religions, but also shown the basic moral and ethical qualities, spiritual and religious functions of «Faith» concept as well.


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