The problem of the education system of the Kazakh religious belief


  • Sultanmurat Abzhalov Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • N.B. Alimbetova Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

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This article provides information about the spread of the teachings of Islam in Central Asia. In addition, explains the belief and analyzes the characteristics of its teaching. In addition, the major issues of belief. Including the topic of faith in God. At the same time, the emergence of Islamic states: Kalam, Fiqh, tipsir, such as tijwid sciences. At the same time, tells us about the origin of madrasas. Some will be focused on the madrassas: including Ahmed Riza, Galia, Ayakoz, Almaty, about ibdiqadir madrassas. The article says about the scientific approach to Islam. After all, every nation has its own education system, including the Kazakhs. Proof of this, are the ancestors Nashchi scientists, such as Al­Farabi, al­Kindi, Ibn Sina, al­Biruni and many others. The Daan article, the author tried to capture performance data scientists.


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How to Cite

Abzhalov, S., & Alimbetova, N. (2016). The problem of the education system of the Kazakh religious belief. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 5(1), 88–97.