On salafismas a crisis theology and social movement

An Analysis on Salafi Ideology and It’s Impacts on The Muslim World


  • Mehmet Evkuran Hittite university
  • Kudaiberdy Bagasharov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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Modern salafi movement defends concept of return to essence/origin and refuses all of new or old identities in Muslim World. To salafism, everything was not be mentioned in the golden age (in Islamic literature is al­Asr as­Saadah) is inevitably herecy and Islamic sects (mazahib) are heretic roads. Salafist thinkers don’t use the concept of mazhab; they prefer salafi and says that it was no mazhab in the salaf age, and they have no mazhab. Thus, salafism rejects the theological and philosophical accumulation of Muslim world radically and it means the theological essentialism. The most influenced structure in Muslim World is Sunnism by rising of salafism. Due to it’s eclectic and surroinding structure, today Sunnism suffers from representation crises. Salafism strongly claims that it has truth of Sunnism. On the other hand salafism as a political movement, destroyes the political balances and destabilizes the Muslim World. Additionally, salafism as an anticulturalist movement, blesses the badawism and fights the cultural richness and historical heritage. Therеfore despite of it’s theological and archaic discourse salafism is a modern political movement. The aim of this article is to prove the basic structure of salafi mind and discuss it’s main arguments.


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How to Cite

Evkuran, M., & Bagasharov, K. (2016). On salafismas a crisis theology and social movement: An Analysis on Salafi Ideology and It’s Impacts on The Muslim World. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 5(1), 114–121. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJRS-2016-1-174