To the question of the role and place of Orthodoxy in the life of modern society (on the example of Russia and Kazakhstan)


  • Kalimash Begalinova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Michael Aleinikov Biysk Medical College
        44 0


religion, orthodoxy, Russian Orthodox Church, Kazakh steppe, spirituality, moral doctrine


The article dealt with the role and place of Orthodoxy in the spiritual and cultural history of the Russian and Kazakh peoples. It is shown that Orthodoxy in Russia has passed a long and thorny path of historical development since the moment of its baptism, which in 988 was accomplished by Grand Prince Vladimir. The authors show that the choice made by Grand Prince Vladimir was correct, the adoption of Christianity in its Orthodox form was a fateful moment in the history of the Russian state, turning it into the largest Eastern European power. Subsequently, Orthodoxy stimulated the development of culture, education and enlightenment. Orthodoxy helped the Russian people to unite in the difficult years of trials. On the example of the hegumen of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh, it is revealed how the Russian Orthodox Church, under the Grand Prince of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich, blessed the Russian people in the battle against the Horde, and in the first ranks of the Russian troops were priests. In the future, the Russian Orthodox Church repeatedly stood up to defend the country, especially during the years of the Great Patriotic War. No less difficult was the spread of Orthodoxy in the Kazakh steppes. The adoption of Orthodoxy played an important role in the development of the Kazakh state. Today, Orthodoxy in the multi-confessional space of Kazakhstan occupies a worthy place. The moral and moral teaching of Orthodoxy is analyzed.

Author Biographies

Kalimash Begalinova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Religious and Cultural studies 

Michael Aleinikov, Biysk Medical College

Candidate of Historical Science 


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How to Cite

Begalinova, K., & Aleinikov, M. (2018). To the question of the role and place of Orthodoxy in the life of modern society (on the example of Russia and Kazakhstan). Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 15(3), 42–48. Retrieved from