Rehabilitation of victims of non-traditional religions: international experience


  • Shamshiya Rysbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh NAtional University

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destructive religious movements, non-traditional religious movements, rehabilitation, international experience, religious extremism, terrorism


The article deals with the problem of rehabilitation of destructive or non-traditional religious movements. Prevention of religious extremism and destructive religious movements, rehabilitation of victims of non-traditional religions is one of the Central issues in the state regulation of religious relations. The problem is not only that the religious landscape has changed in accordance with modern realities. It is impossible not to see that among the new religious organizations appeared quite a lot of dangerous for the state, its national security, and for the society, for each individual person. Many of the new religious organizations - due to the peculiarities of their dogma, internal organization and activity, attitude to national culture, social institutions, traditional religions - are evaluated as organizations that have a destructive impact on people's minds and psyche. For Kazakhstan, as a country where there is a threat of radicalization of the population and a tendency to increase the number of supporters of destructive religious movements, this direction is of particular importance. In this case, studying international experience, Kazakhstan can use it in practice.


Author Biography

Shamshiya Rysbekova, Al-Farabi Kazakh NAtional University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Department of Religious and Cultural studies 


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How to Cite

Rysbekova, S. (2018). Rehabilitation of victims of non-traditional religions: international experience. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 16(4), 13–22.