To the problem of the concept of religion: variety of philosophical approaches
religion, confession, polyatributive analysis, faith, doctrine, religious practice, sacredness, transcendenceAbstract
In the article, religion is viewed as a socio-cultural phenomenon, a historical type of worldview with its own distinctive features of dogma and worship. The authors show various definitions, approaches to the concept of religion, to its essence and content - doctrinal; cult ritual and organizational. At the doctrinal level, religions are investigated as theistic and non-theistic. From the position of cult-ritual activity, such components as ritualism, ritual, holidays, etc. are studied. The organizational component of religion is associated with religious organizations (temples, mosques, synagogues, etc.). Theological, psychological, and Marxist definitions of religion are analyzed. Attention is paid to the place and role of religion in the context of globalization and informatization of society. It is shown that the analysis of religion is of essential importance, since it is associated with one of the indicators of the stability / instability of society. Religion is revealed as a complex structured education, which includes faith and cult. Faith is shown as the main element of any religion. This is the mode of existence of religious consciousness, a special mood, an experience that characterizes the inner state of a person. The cult serves as an external, essential form of the manifestation of faith. The various components of the concept of religion are analyzed – world, national, early religious ideas, on the basis of which it is concluded that religions have a pronounced impersonal character, they are not addressed to a specific person, but to a clan, tribe, ethnic group, nation. This is one of the strengths of modern religion.
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