Content Analysis of Media for Studying of Problems of Religion in Kazakhstan


  • А. Altaikyzy ИФПР КН МОН РК

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Due to the important role of the media in the formation of public opinion, the correct coverage of the problems of religion can be a major contribution to the development of an atmosphere of friendship and religious confessional tolerance, and also in preventing the spread of destructive ideology.

The article investigated the contents of the media on issues of religion for 2019 by the method of content analysis. The study demonstrates the possibilities of using the method of content analysis in conducting sociological, religious studies. The results of the study clearly show different approaches to the coverage of religious issues in the media in the country. The recommendations developed by the author will improve the activities and cooperation in the religious sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author emphasizes that the media can significantly influence the consciousness of society and manipulate the mood of people, shape the worldview of society. In this message, the religious factor in the information space of Kazakhstan can be considered both in religious studies and in the political sphere. The main trends in the coverage of religion issues in Kazakhstani media have been identified. The method of content analysis was used in the article.

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How to Cite

Altaikyzy А. (2019). Content Analysis of Media for Studying of Problems of Religion in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 19(3), 48–54.