Epistemology of the word kalam and the formation of its methodology


  • Nurzhan Abdullayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University




The initial aim of the foundation of science of kalam was to protect main principles of the religion. However, in the course of time kalam has become more widespread due to various issues.   The beginning of the history of science of kalam dates back to the end of the Ith century of Hijri. Kalam as a discipline of Islamic knowledge was formed with the participation of such directions as the Mu'tazilah, Najjarites, Kuallabites, Karramites, Zeydites and Usuli madhhab of Shi'a. Later, with the participation of Maturidites and Asharites the science of kalam was established firmly. In this study, the research area and the purpose of science of kalam  and  explanations of Islamic scholars on science of kalam have been discussed in a comparative way. Moreover, studies of local and international scholars on science of kalam have also been researched. The article also discusses the period of Muslims prior to Greek philosophy, the time of uncertainty Islamic scholars encountered due to different opinions and problems during the establishment of methodology to deal with emerging issues.  In addition, epistemology of the word “kalam” and the formation of its methodology has been studied thoroughly. The article was systematically divided into several subtopics.   

Author Biography

Nurzhan Abdullayev, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Master, assistant teacher of the Department of Religious and Cultural studies 

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