Psychology of religion in the system of religious studies


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This article provides a general analysis of the study of the psychology of religion. The aim is the disclosure of the causes of its occurrence, development and interaction with other aspects of the history of mankind and mutual influence in the human mind. The article reveals two terms that are still often confused, although they denote various phenomena – its the psychology of religion and religious psychology. Unfortunately, the main reason for the prevailing confusion of these concepts is the very little attention paid until recently to the study of the phenomena of psychology in general and the phenomena of religious psychology in particular. Meanwhile, the development problems psychology of religion today is particularly important. Historically and psychologically, religion is very closely, especially at the first steps of mankind, intertwined with other forms of social consciousness: morality, art, science. She had a tremendous impact on the whole life of mankind and entered into mores and customs. Moreover, no other science can replace it. Knowledge of the psychology of religion, as we have seen, allows to better understand the past and present relations of religion and life.


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How to Cite

Karybayeva, A., & Kurmanaliyeva, A. (2020). Psychology of religion in the system of religious studies. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 22(2), 4–10.