Muhammad Аbid Jabiri and his work “Critique of the arabic reason”




Today, Islamic philosophy raises a number of pressing issues. Of these, the most discussed is the "Arabic reason." Many scholars and philosophers of the Islamic world wrote on this subject. One of them is Muhammad Abid Jabiri - the author of the work «Critique of the Arabic reason» consisting of 4 volumes. In the first part of the article, the authors will try to reveal the personality of the philosopher based on his personal, scientific and political life. The second part of the article examines his book, The Formation of the Arabic reason, which is the first volume of Critique of the Arabic reason.

Since acquaintance with the biography of the scholar and his works will help in understanding his philosophical views. Muhammad Jabiri has been striving all his life to develop Islamic philosophy and revise its epistemological structure. In 1982, he wrote The Formation of the Arabic reason, 1986 the Structure of the Arabic reason, 1990 the Political Arabic reason, and 2001 the Practical Arabic reason. These four volumes of «Critique of the Arabic reason» have been widely disseminated and are discussed to this day. Also, quite a few critics came to his address. Some of them are mentioned here in brief. At the end is a list of literatures written on the subject of «Arabic reason».


Abdul Ali Karkub. Muhammad Jabiri hayatu, muallafatuhu, mamatuhu. (Life, works and death of Muhammad Jabiri). // Journal «Al-Hiuar mutamaddin». №4456. May 18 2014. (
Abdulaziz al-Uahabi. Qiraat fi fikr duktur Muhammad Abid Jabiri. (Research of ideas of Dr. Muhammad Abid Jabiri). // Journal «Bayan». №71. December 24 2013.
Abdulla Musa. Ishkaliya aqlaniya fi fikr arabi muasir. (Problem of rationalism in modern Arabic thought). // Alzhir: Journal «Insaniyat». №14-15. 2001.
Frolova Evgeniya. Diskurs arabskoi filosofii. (Discourse of Arabic philosophy). Moscow: «Sadra» 2015, 312 p.
Fuad Zakariya. Hitab ila aql arabi. (Appeal to Arabic reason). – «Dar Muharrir adabi» 1998, 256 p.
Husein Idrisi. Muhammad Jabiri ua mashru naqd aql arabi. (Al-Jabiri And His Critique Of Islamic Thought). Beirut: «Markazul hadara» 2016, 2nd publishing, 254 p.
Imbark Hamidi. Min ishkaliyat aql ua aqlaniya fi fikr arabi muasir: Burhan Galyun ua Abdulla Araui. (Problems of reason and rationalism in modern Arabic thought). Tunis: «Dar Tunisiya likitab» 2015, 242 p.
Muhammad Jabiri. Hufrayat min zakira min bagid. (Autobiography) (Remembrance of forgotten memories). Beirut: «Markaz dirasat uahdat Arabia» 1997, 1st publishing, 238 p.
Muhammad Jabiri. Takuinul aklil arabi. (The foundation of Arab reason). Beirut: «Markaz dirasat uahdat Arabia» 1983, 384 p.
Muhammad Said Rassas. Jorge Tarabishi sira fikriya. (Scientific life of Jorge Tarabishi). //Markaz Malik Faisal: «Majallatul Faisal». № 513-514. July-Aug 2019.
Muhetdinov D.V. O budushem musulmanskoi mysli: razmyshlyaya nad trudami K. Ernst i M. Al-Jabiri. (About the future of Muslim reason: thinking about works of K.Ernst and M. Al-Jabiri). // Journal «Islam in modern world». №2. v 13. 2017.
Yasir Marzuk. Qiraat fi kitab mausua Muhammad Abid Jabiri. (Research of works of Muhammad Abid Jabiri). // Magazine «Suriyatuna». №45. July 29 2012.
URL: Personal portal of Muhammad Jabiri.

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