Value of formation of national education in the education system




A person should be guided by certain moral orientations, values ​​that take into account national differences, and in real life he often encounters various moral orientations. In pedagogical theory, the technology of moral education is always in the process of research, along with the rhythm of human development. The most important of them is that the scientific development of many issues of moral education remains insufficient. The need to develop ways to modernize the education system based on innovative pedagogical approaches - “The idea of ​​democratization of national education. Introduction to Islamic pedagogy.

The subject of the article: theoretical and conceptual problems of the concepts of education, upbringing, ethics. Features of the educational process. The basis of teacher education and the content of modern education, which influenced the formation of the Kazakhstani education system.

Object of study: orientation of the general education system to national characteristics and the process of religious (Islamic) education.

Relevance of the article: to determine the influence of religious education, in particular Islam, on the formation and development of the spiritual and moral personality and its importance in modern education, taking into account the national characteristics of the Kazakh people.

Objects of research: methodological foundations of education and works (A. Komensky A. Komensky, KD Ushinsky, I. Gasprinsky, A. Lunacharsky, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov and others); Pedagogical thoughts of prominent Islamic philosophers, scientists and educators (Ibn Miskawayh, Ibn al-Mukaffa, Abu al-Hassan al-Mawardi, al-Muhasibi, Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Ghazali, etc.); The basic concepts of the theory of moral education, reflected in the works of M. Zhumabaev, Sh. Alzhanov, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A. Sembaev, S. Kozhakhmetov, K. Berzhanov and others.


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