Political processes in Egypt during the reign of the Muslim Brotherhood


  • G. Kadirova Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies


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parliamentary elections, M. Morsi, new Egyptian Constitution, counter-revolutionary resistance, mass resignations


The author's article is devoted to the period of the Muslim Brotherhood's rule in Egypt in 2012-2013. The reign of President Muhammad Mursi, who was one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, was relatively short, but very eventful. In his political course, M. Mursi was usually guided more by the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood organization than the Egyptian society or the national interests of the country, which, naturally, was reflected in the Constitution adopted in 2012. This situation led to the deepening of the socio-political and economic crisis and the development of a new round of internal conflict in Egypt. The growing crisis phenomena in Egyptian society were of a complex nature and, it seems, consisted in the loss of a significant part of public support by M. Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood, opposition of the state apparatus and security forces to rebuilding the political system in the spirit of the ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, opposition secular opposition, the growth of protests, the center of which again, as in 2011, was the Tahrir Square in Cairo, as well as the growth of confidence in the army and its special position in the state and society. In addition, M. Mursi was unable to solve social and economic problems, and instead tried to concentrate all power in his hands. The analysis made it possible to conclude that in foreign policy M. Mursi demonstrated a poor understanding of national interests, regional and global processes, but he pursued a course more characteristic of the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, rather than the Arab Republic of Egypt itself. Thus, the one-year rule of the Muslim Brotherhood led to the overthrow of M. Mursi and the establishment of a military dictatorship in the country.


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How to Cite

Kadirova, G. (2020). Political processes in Egypt during the reign of the Muslim Brotherhood. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 24(4), 40–50. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJRS.2020.v24.i4.r6