Concept of Eschatology in the context of Monotheistic Religions


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Eschatology, Monotheistic Religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam


Today in our country, religious study became as a part of science and research area. A lot of research has been conducted and many specialists have been prepared. Even now, theological researches continue at the same level. It is known that the science of religion covers several areas and many topics. In particular, we will analyze the concept of eschatology, which is found in many religions. The article is devoted to one of the most important topics in the field of religion. That’s why it is necessary to fully explain the term related to the topic. The term of eschatology will be explained linguistically and by its meaning. Concept of eschatology will be interpreted in the context of monotheistic religions. As the world’s main monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam will be studied to write this article. All of these religions have belief in the life after death. This belief system will be studied according to their holy books and scientific researches. The study of the concept of eschatology, which is one of the most important topics in the science of religion, has an importance in complementing the theoretical part of the science and will be socially important as well. The results of the work show that the belief in the afterlife in the studied religions teaches people to responsibility and good qualities.

Key words: Eschatology, Monotheistic Religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam



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How to Cite

Adilova, S. (2022). Concept of Eschatology in the context of Monotheistic Religions. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 32(4), 60–65.