Діни сауаттылық пен діндарлық феноменінің қазіргі келбеті


  • Nagyma Baitenova
        34 0


The article deals with religious problems arising from the standpoint of religious ethics, culture and literacy in multi-confessional and multi-ethnic Kazakhstan society. As you know the main part of the problems connected with religion, arises from the religious illiteracy, poor understanding of the functions and the place of religion in society. For the prevention and elimination of the existing shortcomings, the decisive role played by the implementation of the planned and systematic activities. To do this you need to open a concept – «faith», to clarify its place and importance it occupies in society, to determine the types of beliefs prevent religious fanaticism and spiritual decay, given the characteristics of our multi-confessional and multi-ethnic state. This helps to stick to the best direction in social development, decision-making related to religion in times of globalization and prevent a religious expansion.

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How to Cite

Baitenova, N. (2017). Діни сауаттылық пен діндарлық феноменінің қазіргі келбеті. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 4(4), 44–50. Retrieved from https://bulletin-religious.kaznu.kz/index.php/relig/article/view/50