Islam civilization and philosophy in Arab caliphate period


  • Жакипбек Алтаев

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Islam civilization is one of the most ancient civilization that was formed by integration of arab, Persian and turk cultures on the basic of Quran Qarim and Tauhid ideology and principles. In article there shown Arab caliphate’s foundation and impacts of of Islam religion during Rashudin, Umaia, Abbas caliphate on philosophy and ideology as well as described economic, political and social life level. In this work there considered three famous philosophers of Arab caliphate’s time. Among them, there is a founder of Arab philosophy Abu Jusyp Al-Kindi, the second mentor of the world Abu Nasr Al-Farabi and Ibn Cina, which is mostly famous by name of Avicenna in western countries. Previously mentioned three philosophers by their scientific achievements influenced to build Islam philosophy and to connect east and west philosophy. There analyzed Islam civilization and philosophy in Arab kingdom, its development levels, research directions and results.

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How to Cite

Алтаев, Ж. (2017). Islam civilization and philosophy in Arab caliphate period. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 6(2), 14–23.