Women's rights in Islam


  • Разия Шайкенова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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This article is devoted to the consideration of the legal status of women in Islam. Relevance of the work is mentioned in introduction.This topic has been relevant from past times, and to this day is also relevant not only in certain regions, but also all over the world. Before writing the main part, a brief comparative analysis of the rights and position of women in ancient civilizations such as Greek civilization, the kingdom of Manu (Hinduism), Judaism and Arab countries before the Islamic period was made. The main part was devoted to the consideration of the rights of a Muslim woman. Islam elevated the status of a woman so much that when she was born she opens the door to jannah, and by becoming a mother, paradise is under her feet. In the Holy Quran, even there are surahs dedicated to women «An-Nisa» that in Arabic means «Women» and «Maryam». And the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) became an example in relation to women for all mankind. The article contains the hadiths. Islam showed that a woman is also a man and has the same number of rights as a man. Compared with men, women in religion are granted privileges in worship or duties in some cases. All this in turn shows up to what trifles in Islam all is thought of. In the final part, emphasis is placed on the fact that, contrary to the generally accepted opinion, women in Islam have sufficient rights and privileges. 

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Как цитировать

Шайкенова, Р. (2018). Women’s rights in Islam. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы, Дінтану сериясы, 14(2), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.26577/ejrs-2018-2-150