The phenomena of postmodernism in the culture of Kazakhstan and its influence on the cultural-religious situation
DOI:Кілттік сөздер:
postmodernism, postmodern architecture, globalization, industrialization, capitalism, socialismАннотация
In the article the authors consider the conditions for the formation of postmodernism by the example of the formation of a new style in architecture in Europe, conducts characteristics of the features of postmodern culture. At the same time, the authors describe the conditions of formation and penetration of postmodern ideas in the Kazakh socio-cultural environment. In the article the authors analyze and compare the manifestations of postmodernism in architecture, reveal the most characteristic features of postmodern architecture. The authors pay attention to how postmodern architecture and, with it postmodern culture have an impact on the change in the perception of the urban environment. In the article the authors reveal the change of the idea of urban development in the Kazakh society during the period of socialism, also the change of the concept of urban life in the conditions of the formation of postmodern culture. In the article the authors pay attention to the specifics of the religious situation in the postmodern era. The authors note the change of the place and role of religion in the postmodern conditions. The authors describe alternative forms of religiosity (spirituality) and religious fundamentalism. According to the authors of the article, both trends represent options for responding to the cultural challenge of postmodernity and are affected by its influence.
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