Қазіргі Қазақстанның ұлттық және мәдени кеңістігіндегі діни дәстүр



Кілттік сөздер:

tradition, innovation, religion, cultural space, identification


The article is devoted to the analysis of the actual problem of the translation of the religious tradition and its role in the formation of the spiritual foundations of the transformational projects of modern Kazakhstani society. The authors reveal the essence of tradition as an essential element of social and cultural heritage and its significance for the formation of the modern spiritual layer of culture, trace the processes of formatting and interpretation of tradition in modern conditions. On the basis of the conducted sociological analysis, an understanding of the role of traditions by modern Kazakhstanis is given. The authors provide an analysis of the concepts that exist in the scientific turnover that study traditions. Attention is focused on the need to modernize the traditional content of culture, taking into account the experience not only of the Western model, but primarily the experience of the countries of Southeast Asia, demonstrating the possibility of a qualitative reinterpretation of national culture. The features of the religious tradition of the Kazakh people are revealed, both contributing to the formation of an open, tolerant worldview, capable of accepting foreign cultural values, and leading to the problem of uncritical perception and assimilation of religious beliefs that have an ideological base that is not relevant to basic ideological attitudes. A complex of pre-Muslim traditional ideas, Islamic beliefs and their modern interpretations are articulated as significant components of the religious culture of the Kazakhs. Variants of further development of religious tradition as an integral factor of spiritual development are substantiated.

Key words: tradition, innovation, religion, cultural space, identification

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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Қосымша файлдар

