Сurrent appearance of the Kharijites


  • Sultanmurat Abzhalov Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Muyassar Matmusayeva Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University




Causes of bloody strife that are taking place today in the Islamic world, originated many centuries ago. They originated in the first century, the religion of Islam, called the Kharijites. This article is devoted to analysis of the bloody events that took place in the history of the Caliphate in the middle of I/VII century and the role of the Khawarij flow in these events. The author concludes that current «true Muslims» are the direct followers of Kharijites. With the emergence in the historical arena of Kharijites movement radical movements began to appear in the Islamic world. The article also analyzes the causes of instability in the Caliphate, the murder of Caliph Uthman, the ascension of Ali ibn Abu Talib to the throne of the Caliphate, the refusal to recognize his authority and the reasons for supporters of Uthman internecine war in the Caliphate. With the advent of Islam, the Kharijites appeared meaning «musumanin­kafir» – «believerunbeliever.» The Kharijites believed that the faithful could kill an unbeliever and away his property, using it freely. Today, this belief is found among the Kharijites extreme movements of Wahhabi­Salafi movement. Also in the article gives a brief overview of the different currents of the Kharijites.


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