The importance of the research in the direction of the scientific and pedagogical teaching of the Great Teacher of the Muhammad (pbuh)


  • Raya Nauryzbaeva University of Foreign Languages and Business Career



The importance of scientific and pedagogical study of the teachings of the Great Teacher Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) I believe that the teachings, moral life, teachings of the great teacher Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) are an inexhaustible treasure and school in the formation of spiritual and modern education, the formation of national education. Therefore, it is necessary to study the teachings of the great teacher Muhammad (pbuh) in a scientific and pedagogical direction and use them for the proper formation of spiritual knowledge of young people. As the spiritual support of our nation is Islam, it is useful to scientifically study the benefits of the concepts of morality, worship and combine them with the field of education and science. In order for young people to understand the traditional religion, it is necessary to explain the Islamic worldview from a scientific and pedagogical point of view, to make additions and applications to the textbooks of natural sciences and religion. The article analyzes the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a great teacher and an inexhaustible source of knowledge, which can serve as a model for all mankind in all ages.


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