Funeral ceremonies in the monothistic religions




The article discusses the funeral rites of the world monotheistic religions. That is, exceptions are considered in accordance with the rules of Judaism, Christianity and Islam for the burial of the dead.

Although scientific articles and studies on this subject are very rare, the issue of religious funerals is a topic that not everyone is concerned with. Because this issue has its own rules and characteristics in different religions. The authors of the article pay special attention to the study of the similarities and differences between the principles and procedures of funeral rites in the world monotheistic religions.

The birth, marriage and death of a person has always been accompanied by many beliefs and practices that play an important role in the life of every person. A funeral is not a separate ceremony. However, the idea of ​​human death and the end of life has always occupied an important place in religious beliefs and, as is known, is provided by many religious rites. Given these questions, the authors of the article conducted a comparative analysis of the religious characteristics of funeral rites in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In addition, in accordance with the rules of world religions, the preparation of the body of the deceased, the state of the body in the grave, the premises of farewell and burial were studied.


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Похороны у христиан //
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