An analysis in terms of Islam to Mirzhakyp Dulatuly`s work “Karagym”


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Mirzhakyp Dulatuly, religion, Islam, upbringing, terme


In the scientific article, the work of the writer Mirzhakyp Dulutuly «Karagym” is considered from the prism of Islamic studies, analyzes the meaning of the Koran and ayats, the words of edification of the prophets. The authors sought to interpret Terme's lines through religious sermons and verses. Despite the difference in the nature of the origin of literature and religion, they both tell about the culture and spirituality of the people. The Holy book Koran speaks about the meaning of education more than 600 times.  Mirzhakyp Dulatuli in his work also touched the topic of religion. He called the people to religious literacy. The article analyzes how the lines from the term exactly coincide with the narration of Suras and ayats, confirming the idea of the need for piety, that Allah is the only patron, that his slave has positive and negative sides of behavior, which canons should be observed. Religious propaganda in Kazakh literature, the abundance of works relevant for young people shows that our people have long given religious education to the growing generation and propagated the religion of Islam. Religious myths and Sharia, issues of religion in the literary heritage determined the direction of development of the later national literature and the level of art. In the works of poets and intellectuals of the Zar-Zaman (sorrowful) period, as well as representatives of religious literature, such as Mirzhakyp Dulatuly, in various aspects, there was found a reflection of such important issues as the Islamic moral.


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How to Cite

Nukassov, E., & Mukhitdinov, R. (2020). An analysis in terms of Islam to Mirzhakyp Dulatuly`s work “Karagym”. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 23(3), 28–34.