The manifestations and development of neopaganism in modern society


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Archaic, mythology, totemism, fetishism, animism, neopaganism, art


In modern culture and art, you can find in many signs of ancient beliefs and mythological concepts. The authors of the article, revealing these phenomena, are aimed at studying their role in modern spirituality and mental-psychological influence. The article aims at revealing the causes and consequences of the resumption of archaic worldview, ancient pagan beliefs in the forms and genres of modern art. The authors, after analyzing the phenomena of neopaganism in art, identifies two aspects of the event in question. The first aspect is the ancient worldview concepts associated with deep folk spiritual sources and forms of beliefs. This is a phenomenon closely associated with collective memory and ethnopsychological mental characteristics of each nation. The second aspect of the manifestation of neopaganism in modern society is the use of faith in ancient myths and practices for the purpose of manipulating people for political and commercial purposes. The results of the study show that the experience of developing the surrounding natural and social environment of an ancient person, preserved for thousands of years in myths and traditions. Due to external and internal reasons, modern people turn to this experience, trying to solve their own problems with the help of neopagan practices or the formation of quasi-religious movements.


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How to Cite

Asanova, S., & Utebayeva, D. (2020). The manifestations and development of neopaganism in modern society. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 24(4), 4–12.