The importance and place of interfessional dialogue (In the practice of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)




confession, interreligious dialogue, positive, globalization, process


The article discusses interfaith relations and its role and importance in society. It also describes the religious views and patterns of dialogue in countries such as multi-religious Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Coming to the inter-religious dialogue, we will focus on the influence and the state's influence on it. The positive aspects of interfaith dialogue are the contribution to the unity of the country. The views of researchers are presented, considering the role of Kazakhstan in the regulation of interreligious relations and written research on this topic. The importance of inter-religious and inter-religious relations in general is emphasized. Let's talk more about the concept of "confession". It is about interfaith dialogue in the post-Soviet period. The main goal is to determine the importance and place of interfaith dialogue in society. The role of interreligious and interreligious relations in supporting mutual cooperation and the international world is very important and enormous. In modern terms, tolerance or religious tolerance is a pledge of peace and unity. The content of the article covers these issues. 

Keywords: confession, interreligious dialogue, positive, globalization, process


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