Religious traditions of the Kazakh people before Islam




belief, religion, shamanism, Tengrianism, Mitraizm, Zoroastrianism


The scientific article is devoted to a critical analysis of some features of religious worldviews and traditions of the Kazakh people in history. In the work of the position of religious-analytical analysis of the peculiarities of beliefs, religious views of the tradition of the Kazakh people in the pre-Islamic period. Today, 70% of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan adhere to the values of the Sunni Islamic sect, and the name of Abu Hanifa. This means that the country in the demographic plan is dominated by the number of adherents of Islam. Representatives of more than 130 nationalities and 18 religious denominations live peacefully in all conditions in Kazakhstan. Prior to the emergence of Islam in the Kazakh steppes, various religious directions were widespread. Religious views and religious beliefs of the inhabitants of a multinational, multi-confessional state as Kazakhstan are always one of the most important and topical issues requiring scientific research of the current state of the problems of the present study.

Key words: belief, religion, shamanism, Tengrianism, Mitraizm. Zoroastrianism.


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