Manifestations of female religiosity in the Instagram social network




Social Network, Instagram, Female Image, Religiosity, Profile


The article analyzes various aspects of women's religiosity in Instagram. The role of women in public life, self-expression on the social continent, the problem of realizing opportunities and abilities, religious views and attitudes to sacred phenomena have long been the subject of research in the humanities and social sciences. In recent years, social studies have repeatedly confirmed the thesis about the active religiosity of women and explained it by the special psychoemotional and physiological state of the weaker half. We are also interested in the fact that women's religiosity is gaining momentum in social networks today. The process of changing religiosity is particularly evident in the discrepancy between the institutional forms of religion and the real religious life of people. At the same time, religious organizations and believers have two options: to abandon innovations and modern technologies, such as radical ones, or to modernize religious practices. The study showed that women in Kazakhstan chose the second option, successfully using social media to demonstrate some examples of female religiosity. Further research will cover manifestations of female religiosity in other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, etc.).

Keywords: social network, Instagram, female image, religiosity, profile.



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