What is the wisdom in creation? The sample of Maturidi





wisdom, Mâtürîdî, creation, evil, good


Hikmah is an infinitive consequent from the Arabic root "hkm" and means deep and valuable knowledge, wisdom, unseen cause. Hikmah means "to make a fair judgment, to know, to understand, to avoid, to prevent persecution" and is a feature that prevents and hinders people from cruelty and death. According to Imam Maturidi, hikmah is the ability to distinguish (fiqh) between right and incorrect, truth and falsehood. Therefore, it is the reason to attain many good both in the world and in the hereafter. Maturidi also defines wisdom as “being accurate in putting everything in its proper place and giving every rightful person their right and not eating anyone's rights”. The judge is God, who puts everything in its proper place, who does not make any mistakes in his precautions, who is a scholar, the lord, who knows everything, who knows nature, who is a doctor, who rules everything and is the "the Judge-Judge". In the sense of ruling when used for Allah, knowing and creating beings in the most perfect way, arranging them in harmony with each other, the ruler "knows all the objects and events that are suitable for justice, science and youth with the highest knowledge, and all objects of nature are harmonious, sound and It is used to mean creating and sustaining an artist. Accordingly, Allah created all the creatures in the universe for a specific purpose and purpose. However, some creatures appear harmful, and many beings in the vast universe are at a distance and quality that cannot be evaluated with the understanding of wisdom. In this paper, we will examine Mâtürîdî's evaluations on the negativities in the world and the meaninglessness in the universe.

Keywords: wisdom, Mâtürîdî, creation, evil, good


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