Cyberjihad: expressions of terrorism on the internet


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cyberspace, internet, cyber terrorism, information society, physiological war


The Internet, along with its public promotion, has developed into the integrator of cultures, a means of communication between business, consumer and government. However, as the volume of users increased, cases of its utilization different from its initial purpose increased, too.  Namely these are pornography, content promoting violence, as well as an influence of various extremistic organizations.  Groups pursuing various political goals commenced  to use the network to carry out their own propaganda, to communicate with their supporters, to raise public awareness of what they are doing, and even to carry out their own opreations by the virtue of the internet. The article provides conclusions and suggestions on cyberjihad and cyberterrorism, which take place in cyberspace, on the basis of scientific approaches to them. Some thoughts and summaries are provided here to highlight the use of the term Islam as well as the essence of the word “jihad”, which derived from the Arabic language. The methods of comparison and germenetic analysis were used in carrying out the study.

Keywords: cyberspace, internet, cyber terrorism, information society, physiological war


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How to Cite

Abdullaeva, M. (2021). Cyberjihad: expressions of terrorism on the internet. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 27(3), 60–65.