The contribution of Ahmad ibn Mansur al-Ispidjabi to the islamic studies of Kazakhstan




Madhhab, Sharkh, Manuscript, Fiqh, Mukhtasar


The article tells about the life and work of one of the representative of the Hanafi school of Kazakh origin Ahmad ibn Mansur al-Ispidjabi, his teachers and students. Although there is some information about the life and career of a scientist, there is very little information about his teachers and students, including that they need clarification. The article also describes the most important work of Ahmad ibn Mansur al-Ispidjabi "Sharh Mukhtasar at-Tahawi", and its manuscript versions in the libraries of the modern world. Because this work of the scientist has been preserved in handwritten form. This work of Ahmad ibn Mansur became the basis for the formation of the school of jurisprudence in the city of Ispidjab. To confirm this conclusion, the work of Ahmad ibn Mansur "Sharh Mukhtasar at-Takhavi" is studied, its semantic meanings and methodological features are shown. Besides Ahmad ibn Mansur, a number of scholars have commented on Mukhtasar at-Takhavi. Among them is a scholar named Abu Bakr al-Jassas. A comparative study of "Sharh Mukhtasar at-Takhavi" by Ahmad ibn Mansur al-Ispidjabi and "Sharh Mukhtasar at-Takhavi" by Abu Bakr al-Jassas is also being conducted, and their methodological features and differences are described.

Key words: Madhhab, Sharkh, Manuscript, Fiqh, Mukhtasar


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