Manifestations and prerequisites of religious expansion in the spiritual sphere of modern Kazakhstan


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religious expansion, evangelism, Islamization, virtual services, cyberspace


The article deals with the problem of religious expansion, which is accompanied by a wave of globalization. In particular, the analysis of its prerequisites and its place in society and consequences is carried out, which are the basis for its widespread spread in an information, "digitized" digitized society. A description of the manifestations of evangelization and Islamization of religious expansion, which cover all spheres of spiritual life and enter through the conquest of human consciousness, is given, and the processes of their development in the information society are considered. "I'm sorry," he said, «but I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't know what you're talking about". And the possibilities of modern technologies are the basis for changing the forms and areas of use of sites of religious organizations. The article examines the social, economic, political, spiritual background and main objects of religious expansion of neo-Christian, new Islamic, neo-Christian movements, Religious Studies analysis of missionary activities carried out in the internet space and social networks, its factors contributing to the formation of religious consciousness of young people. At the same time, the features of religious expansion in cyberspace are revealed and a description of their manifestation in modern Kazakh society is given.

Keywords: religious expansion, evangelism, Islamization, virtual services, cyberspace.


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How to Cite

Kantarbaeva, Z., & Utebayeva, D. (2021). Manifestations and prerequisites of religious expansion in the spiritual sphere of modern Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 28(4), 11–18.