The Concept of «Arab Reason» in Modern Islamic Philosophy
Arab reason, Modern Islamic philosophy, Formation of the Arab reason, Reformation, ConceptAbstract
In this article we will focus on the formation of the concept of the «Arab mind». We are trying to analyze the different views of researchers on the formation of the concept of the Arab mind. We analyze the factors that led to its formation. In order not to lose objectivity, let us turn to the opinions of researchers from different countries. For example, we will study researches in Russian, Turkish, English and Arabic. As a preliminary step in the concept of «Arab reason», we would like to give a brief overview of Nahda. As for the concept of «Arab reason», it is easy to see that this issue is one of the most deeply studied, but is still unresolved. In the course of this article, we will focus on a number of issues raised within the framework of the concept of the Arab mind. In particular, the current intellectual situation in the Arab world will be taken into account. According to official figures from the Al-Jazeera Information Center, there are ninety-seven million illiterates in the Arab world. In addition, in connection with the decision of the University of Arab States in 1970 and the creation of the Arab organization «Fight Against Illiteracy», January 8 was declared the Day of Combating Arab Illiteracy. These facts show the level of intellectual crisis. This article can be seen as an introduction to the concepts of the «Arab mind». In the following articles, we will focus on its content and research results.
Keywords: Arab reason, Modern Islamic philosophy, Formation of the Arab reason, reformation, concept.
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