Synchronisms in the mythological worldview of the proto-Kazakhs and ancient Indians




Archetype, mythology, ritual, religious consciousness, spiritual values


A comparative study of the mythological worldview and the “mythological language” of modern peoples allows us to trace the general points inherent in archaic thinking and the symbolic universe of mankind as a whole. Expressing the world figuratively and symbolically, the “mythological language” synchronizes the rhythms of human existence and the cosmos, thus there is an interpenetration of man and nature, the animation of the cosmos and the cosmization of mythological consciousness. An analysis of cosmological, anthropological and sociogenetic representations in ancient Indian and proto-kazakh mythology makes it possible to comprehend the common patterns of world outlook and spiritual development of the world of the two peoples. Pre-Islamic archetypes of the proto-Kazakh's worldview find their expression in Tengrianism and the cult of shamanism. These beliefs are characterized by a figurative and symbolic understanding of the unity of the world and man. During the period of the spread of Islamic civilization in Central Asia and the dominance of Islam in the religious consciousness, ancient beliefs continue to exist in the everyday life of peoples in the form of various superstitions and prohibitions, rituals and customs. However, the structural-linguistic and hermeneutic analysis of these phenomena of everyday life makes it possible to highlight the role and significance of ethno-mental archetypes in the spiritual attitudes and value orientations of modern peoples.

Key words: Archetype, mythology, ritual, religious consciousness, spiritual values.



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