Information and propaganda activities of Religious Communities in the Internet Space


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Information and Propaganda Services, Religious Community, Religious Association, Internet Space, Propaganda


The article discusses the features of the information and propaganda activities of religious communities and associations on the Internet. The essence of the concepts of "information" and "propaganda" is analyzed and studied based on socio-legal discourse on information and propaganda activities. The methods and features of propaganda of religious communities and associations in the Internet space are analyzed. The features of information and propaganda activities and threats from excessive actions are revealed. The issues of propaganda of religious extremist and terrorist organizations via the Internet, whose activities are prohibited by the court in the country, and ways of remotely informing their supporters will be considered. The article also notes that religious communities pay special attention to propaganda that promotes the spread of their ideologies on the Internet, and prefer to create media sites that disseminate information. Features of religious propaganda activities that are the result of the implementation of the goals and objectives of religious associations and groups. The use of the Internet reveals manifestations of illegal propaganda of religious communities and religious associations that poison the consciousness of young people, propagandizing deviation from traditional religion, homeland, native language. The characteristics of religious communities that have turned social networks into a means of propaganda are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the works of researchers from near and far abroad is carried out, conclusions are evaluated and drawn.

Keywords: information and propaganda services, Religious Community, Religious Association, Internet Space, Propaganda



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How to Cite

Nazarbek, K. (2022). Information and propaganda activities of Religious Communities in the Internet Space. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 29(1).