Pragmatic features of theonyms in Rabguzi's Story «Adam ata – Haua ana»




Theonym, Mythonym, Agionim, Prophets, Saints


This article is devoted to the study of  the pragmatic features of religious names in Rabguzi's Story «Adam ata-Haua ana». The use of theonyms in the work is based on examples of a religious, historical and mythological character. In addition, the article deals with the meaning and uses of religious and mythical antpoponyms. The authors of the article  emphasize the important role of religious and mythological characters, which make it possible to determine the main intention of Rabguzi in the transmission of information. They are explaining the meanings of terms that are similar in content: theonym, mythonym, agionim, saint, etc. Rabguzi used names of mythical characters to represent the religious and mystical interests. Theonyms reflect the history, ethnogenesis, realities of life and life, experience, customs, beliefs, economic culture and worldview of the ethnos of that period. Therefore, the description of the characters, the reflection of the picture of events and ideological content, the systematic study of theonyms allow us to reveal the nature and features of the genre of the work and the author's thoughts. The purpose of the study is to reveal information encoded in the cultural and linguistic semantics of theonyms, considering them as a complex mental unit expressing spiritual and moral values. Theonyms as a source of ethno-cultural information are reflected in the language as images-names of mythological and religious characters. Religious-theoretical conclusions will find its application in the field of theolinguistics. The results of the research contribute to the solution of theoretical problems, the definition of the principles of ethnolinguistics.

Key words: Theonym, Mythonym, Agionim, Prophets, Saints.


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