Gender Dimension of Anti-Religious Policy in Kazakhstan in 1920-1930s


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Islam, Soviet power, Muslim woman, Polygamy, Fight against the Paranja


The given article considers the gender aspects of the state-confessional policy of the Soviet government in the 1920-1930s in Kazakhstan. The main directions of the activities of state bodies to emancipate and involve Muslim women in the public life of the country as an alternative to its former patriarchal-religious life have been investigated based on the analysis of sources and literature. According to the results of the study, it was found that gender policy in the system of Islamic-state relations was carried out in all regions of the republic, but the forms and mechanisms for its implementation had regional differences, due to the level of Islamization of the regions of Kazakhstan. In the northern and eastern regions of the republic, Muslim women were actively involved in state building through the organization of "red yurts" and women's delegate conferences. In the southern regions, where Islam had deep roots and was closely intertwined with the traditions of the Kazakh people the policy to emancipate Muslim women was aimed at overcoming religious remnants in everyday life, at fighting against the paranja, and the legal protection of women taking off the veil. Against the backdrop of the growing religious anti-political policy of the Soviet government, the clergy use various methods and conduct their influence on women.

Key words: Islam, Soviet power, Muslim woman, polygamy, fight against the paranja.


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How to Cite

Alpyspaeva, G., & Sayakhimova, S. (2022). Gender Dimension of Anti-Religious Policy in Kazakhstan in 1920-1930s. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 31(3).