The relations between adherents of different Islamic Madhabs in the Golden Horde


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Islam, Golden Horde, Madhab, Maturidis, relations between Madhabs


The authors in the article try to determine the relationship of Islamic madhhabs in the period of the Golden Horde. Although there are many studies on the general religious situation and the process of Islamization in the Golden Horde, relationship between madhhabs should be researched carefully. Therefore, the article in detail describes the state of Islam in the Golden Horde, representatives of which madhhabs lived, which madhhab the majority of the population adhered to, and the level of religious education. Relations between religious figures and the rulers of the Golden Horde are discussed. In the course of the study, the authors find out that the Hanafi madhhab was widespread among the Muslims of the Golden Horde, they were able to create their own religious centers and received political support from the khans. The efforts of Sunni doctrinal schools such as Maturidiyah and Ashariyah to unite on the basis of common values ​​in this era are discussed. The policy of the authorities of the Golden Horde to prevent discord and strengthen ties between Muslim madhhabs is also analyzed. The study is based on medieval historical works, travel books, biographical books describing the life and work of scientists, works written on various theological topics, as well as new scientific research related to Islamic madhhabs on the territory of the Golden Horde.

Key words: Islam, Golden Horde, Madhab, Maturidis, relations between Madhabs.



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How to Cite

Abylov, T., Abdilkhakim, B., & Kurt, H. (2022). The relations between adherents of different Islamic Madhabs in the Golden Horde. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 32(4), 86–97.