Critical Analysis of the Influence on Power and Coordination of the Concepts of Religion and Discourse


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Religion, Power, Discourse Analysis, Coordination, Religious Discourse


The article analyzes the critical discourse analysis as one of the paradigms in the discursive study of religion. Critical discourse analysis examines discursive and critical views on religion together, and is able to show the features and priorities of these areas, which are not among the main trends in modern science. The issue of discourse analysis is raised and discussed in the context of logic, semiotics, philosophy of language, analysis of relations, consensus, the legitimacy of ethical and moral values. The article represents and describes the importance of discourse in the understanding of religion as a concept and accepting the role of religion in everyday social relations through the critical discourse analysis and the discursive study of religion. It also provides guidelines for the analysis of discursive structures and analyzes the processes of revival and change in the field of religion. The concept of discourse is considered separately and its different meanings are shown. It analyzes how the process of critical analysis is carried out in the context of discursive research, and analyzes the main directions of practical critical discourse analysis. The problem of analysis of a discursive event arises in the context of non-linguistic conditions of occurrence of discourse (economic, political, etc.). It has been established that the meaning of discourse since the foundation of discursive analysis includes not only written or oral expression, but also non-linguistic semiotic processes. It has been shown that for each discursive sphere, epistemic beings differ both in terms of axiological value and in terms of subjective regulation.

Keywords: religion, power, discourse analysis, coordination, religious discourse.



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How to Cite

Abubakirova, A., & Dilbarkhanova, D. (2022). Critical Analysis of the Influence on Power and Coordination of the Concepts of Religion and Discourse. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 32(4), 75–85.