Islamism, the main stages of development: religious discourse
This article examines various aspects of the discourse of political Islam. Based on a meaningful analysis, the continuity of the international political Islamic discourse is shown. The conclusions obtained during the study are related to the sharp revival of political Islam in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Complex and diversified Islamism and Islamists, while maintaining continuity, have undergone significant changes over time. This was revealed because of the analysis of the main stages of the development of Islamism. Modern Islamism is a relatively young political ideology of Islam. In recent decades, the development of Islamism has been closely linked with the revival of Islam and the modernization of Muslim countries. Islamism is often defined as «politicized Islam» or «political Islam». Researchers draw attention to the fact that it is impossible to put an equal sign between Islam and Islamism, between religion and the political ideology that arose on its basis. Such an understanding of Islamism does not give a complete picture of it, because Islamism is not only a political, but also a social ideology and a certain way of life. At the same time, this article will also pay enough attention to the stages of the development of Islamism.
Key words: Islamism, political Islam, discourse, society, state, continuity, Islamists.
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