Synchronism of Symbolic Manifestations in Traditional Religions


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Traditional Religions, Religious Faith, Religious Symbol, Religious Ceremonies, Religious Experience


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the religious and philosophical essence and the evolution of the development of the content of the main symbols of world religions that have become traditional. Through this analysis, the goal was to identify the ideological and practical features of traditional religions, as well as the continuity and synchronism of symbolic manifestations in them. A religious symbol is a special form of expression, explanation of the idea, content, and practical nature of religion. It can have both a secret and allegorical meaning, while simultaneously expressing a specific object. Therefore, when studying the history of religions, religious beliefs and religious practices, special attention should be paid to their symbols. Given the relevance of this problem, the authors of the article using the comparative historical method compare the development and transformation of the symbols of world religions in different periods of time. The continuity of symbolic manifestations in traditional religions is clearly reflected in the content of the ideology of religions and in terms of the performance of religious rituals and ceremonies. At the same time, all traditional religions call humanity to peace, mutual love, kindness, and religious tolerance. In the course of the analysis of the ethical and eschatological categories of these religions, the semantic and content similarities of sacred concepts, religious rituals and ceremonies performed for the purpose of worship were revealed.

 Key words: Traditional religions, religious faith, religious symbol, religious ceremonies, religious experience



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How to Cite

Mustafina, Z., Borbassova, K., & Maden, A. (2022). Synchronism of Symbolic Manifestations in Traditional Religions. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 32(4), 14–27.