Sufi Teaching from the point of the Neural Network Theory view of the Noosphere


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Sufi teachings, Noosphere, Neural Network, Sociocultural Code, Mentality, Mysticism, Religious Consciousness


At present, the issue of updating the philosophical and religious doctrines to determine the value-semantic coordinates of the socio-cultural code is gaining more and more scientific and social importance. In historical retrospect, the teachings of the Sufis were and still are of great importance, since they had a pronounced impact on the formation of the cultural characteristics of the peoples who inhabited a vast geographical area from Altai to the Crimea. This paper shows that the teachings of the Sufis can be interpreted using modern achievements in neuroscience. The authors of the article substantiate that the teaching of the Sufis from the point of view of the neural network theory of the noosphere is a tool for the system-directed formation of a sociocultural code that fully takes into account the specifics of the object of application of efforts. The methodology of this approach is based on the neural network theory of the noosphere, which allows us to interpret the concept of "sociocultural code" from the standpoint of both the humanities and the natural sciences. On the basis of narrative sources, the idea is revealed that the spiritual, moral, ideological value of the Sufi teachings is preserved at the present time. The peculiarity of the ongoing research (this article is being carried out within the framework of the project) is the possibility of forming an axiological basis for mobilizing the spiritual determinants of the past, the collective ideas of the people. On a new round of historical development, the most promising is the harmonious combination of the heritage of our ancestors with modern achievements in science, technology, and digital civilization. It is essential that the arguments presented in the paper are verifiable, since the neural network theory is essentially a mathematical model that operates on calculable and measurable data. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the teachings of the Sufis from the point of view of the neural network architecture are elements of the socio-cultural code that can be used in the system of spiritual and moral values of the nation's intellectual renewal.

Key words: Sufi teachings, noosphere, neural network, sociocultural code, mentality, mysticism, religious consciousness.



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How to Cite

Suleimenov, I., Massalimova, A., Bakirov, A., & Vitulyova, Y. (2022). Sufi Teaching from the point of the Neural Network Theory view of the Noosphere. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 32(4), 3–13.