Quran as the philosophy of rights
In this article, the author writes that the Koran is not only an important source of theological and moral values and norms for the Muslim world, but also the basis of the philosophy of law. The Qur'an reinforced the foundation of traditional moral values that were consistent with its principles. However, the Prophet Muhammad, as an innovative teacher of his time, clearly understood that a radical change in the existing order in society would not bring the desired result. Therefore, Islam welcomed moral norms and values that are in harmony with the fundamental principles of Islam. The author, referring to the well-known verses from Surah al-Fatiha: “Lead us in the right way. By the path of those whom You have favored…” (Quran 1:6-7) concludes that the Quran is “a guide to the right path.” And if the Koran is perceived as a book indicating the right path, then, of course, it contains many rules, norms and principles. A society that aims to follow the right path needs a code of principles that would evaluate deeds, actions and customs, and also determine whether they are right or wrong. The Qur'an, according to the author, provides such a set of principles. In this regard, the author puts forward the idea that the Koran is a collection of legal norms and ethical rules.
Key words: Qur'an, Islamic Law, Philosophy, Custom, Sunnah.
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